CRAKGON is likely to outlast the tree the timber came from.
In this the eighth of a series of case studies on CRAKGON we explain how a CRAKGON exterior surface repair lasts and last. Once its fixed it stays fixed with CRAKGON
Simply Paint it on, problem solved for at least 12 years!
CRAKGON® case study no. 8.
The uses are endless, the benefits immense, CRAKGON repairs wood rot.
Rotting facia boards need replacing or do they?
Image is an illustration only.
Here are the facts:
- One house had a rotting facia board in need of replacement but the owner didn’t want the expense.
- The painter that attended the job was faced with a challenge
- The board needed to be replaced but the owner wouldn’t do it.
- Another solution had to be found to repair and paint the rotting board.
- CRAKGON® was recommended as the permanent solution
- So the painter removed the rot and filled the holes
- CRAKGON® was applied with paint to seal the surface and maintain the integrity of the repair.
- The painter returned 12 years later to the home for other work.
- The facia board was still in perfect condition, 12 years later.
- The uses for CRAKGON are endless, it truly is a wonder product.
Just paint it on, problem solved for at least 12 years!