CRAKGON® conquers an oil tank farm
In the third of a series of case studies on CRAKGON® we will allow you to explore the product and it’s unique surface adhesion capabilities on slick metal surfaces. There truly is nothing like it.
Simply Paint it on and the cracks are gone!
CRAKGON® case study no. 3.
Paint Adhesion:
We have storage tanks where the paint won’t stick or will it!
Here are the facts:
- A series of Petroleum Oil Storage tanks were in need of a repaint
- The surface is very smooth and normal paint just slides or peels off
- A P.U. (polyurethane) paint is normally used to create adhesion with the side of the tank
- The outstanding adhesion properties of the CRAKGON® glass fibres that bond with the paint and surface, were proposed as an alternative.
- CRAKGON® and paint were applied to the walls next to the normal paint.
- The normal paint could be scraped off, the CRAKGON® paint combination could not be removed
CRAKGON® and paint stay stuck.