Hang on, who said it’s not easy being green?
Let’s be honest, not so long ago the environmental movement was a fringe concern, a cottage industry chock full of bearded soothsayers, barefoot earthmothers and tambourine waving evangelists from the loony left wing of society. Most people thought that the planet was indestructible, that resources were inexhaustible and that technology would come to save us anyway. Whoops. Today the environment is very much at the forefront of everyone’s minds and governments can be toppled if they take the wrong approach. Like so many things, it all starts in the home or office. For instance, what’s on your walls and where did it come from? Can your wallcoverings really play a part in the push for environmental sustainability?
Yes! There’s a growing appreciation for natural materials in the decorating industry, not to mention environmental impacts and carbon footprints. Hume Internationale has a range of organic options for those who wish to surround themselves with natural fibres and environmentally safe products.
There is a sufficiency in the world for man’s need, but not for man’s greed – Mohandas [Mahatma] K. Gandhi
Wood On Walls: Timber Veneer wall coverings.
Gilford’s Wood-On-Walls collection is a triumph of manufacturing that uses carefully selected timber to produce highly flexible veneers that instantly transform a barren space into a rich and inviting landscape. What’s more, Gilford has long held environmental stewardship as a corporate priority. The company does not, and will not, market any wood product that comes from any of the world’s protected rain forest areas. Gilford’s suppliers must be active supporters and participants in reforestation and the company is very serious about this commitment.
Commercial Wallcoverings
Hume Internationale’s range of commercial grade wallcoverings have all the properties you need for your office, hotel, restaurant, school, hospital, retail outlet, aged care facility, casino or marine boats. Did you know that PVC is the only commercially viable rigid plastic that is not 100% derived from oil? About 57% of PVC is made from chlorine – of which 65% is derived from salt – and that’s good news for the environment. The United States Green Building Council says that vinyl is an environmentally smart choice. At Hume, we not only offer high quality vinyl wallcoverings, but we carefully select ranges that combine cutting edge style with durability.
The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition – Carl Sagan
Crypton Green Fabrics:
Crypton Green is the real ace in our pack when it comes to being green. Crypton is a company produces some of the most environmentally friendly, reliable and high-performance textile products in the world. They produced the perfect solution for the health care market by offering a fabric – not a vinyl or plastic – that is capable of resisting stains, moisture, odours and bacteria. Their products appear in some of the world’s finest restaurants, hotels, cruise ships, schools and government complexes. Crypton products are manufactured using renewable energy and are carbon-neutral. They consist of 50-100% recycled fibre, heavy-metal-free polyester, wool and polypropylene. Crypton produces truly amazing, high-tech, environmentally responsible wallcoverings that are clean, green and virtually indestructible.
So Kermit The Frog was wrong when he said it’s not easy being green! At Hume, we’ve made it one of the simplest choices you’ll ever make. To find out more about using green products on your walls, give us a call today on (03) 9335 6711 or explore our website further now