
LUCIDA is a heavyweight aniline leather, produced on the finest European raw material. Immediately striking as a bold and elegant leather, LUCIDA is characterised by the thick hide and the ‘tipped’ grain effect. This tipping is created by hand-polishing each hide of LUCIDA, adding to the warmth and depth of the colour and enhancing the hide’s natural features. LUCIDA is truly without comparison in the market, exhibiting a unique finish and a luxurious, opulent handle. Watch the video below to see our Italian hand tipper in action! The protection against soiling and spillage is applied to LUCIDA in the tanning drum. This allows the product to retain its breathability, whilst adding a level of surface resilience. LUCIDA is therefore suitable for all residential and commercial applications.  All colours are in stock in our Australian warehouse and available for immediate off-the-shelf delivery.  Custom colours are available on request.