The digital revolution can change the fate of your walls
Walls have never had it so good. We live in an amazing age and the decorating possibilities are endless, especially since the development of modern digital printing techniques that can transform lacklustre walls into a triumph of the imagination. Wall Art allows you to hand pick your favourite works and have them digitally transformed into wallcoverings to fit any space. Better still, you can generate your own artwork and have it digitally reproduced to give you a creative edge that cannot be matched.
The possibilities are limitless and you can set the tone for your residential or commercial space. Hallways lined with evergreen trees, intoxicating swirls of latte and coffee beans, masked muses smiling cryptically, provincial fountains bursting to life amid classic marble statues, a city skyline blazing across the feature wall of your urban townhouse or funky boutique. Your walls are now literally the messengers that take your thoughts and dreams to every valued visitor.
What turns me on about the digital age, what excites me personally, is that we have closed the gap between dreaming and doing – Bono
At Hume, we use the latest print technologies to reproduce images of exceptional quality – up to 1400dpi. The image smoothing technology eliminates potential banding, whilst sophisticated interpolation software helps overcome problems associated with enlarging lower resolution images. We can utilise up to a 7 colour process – including white – to produce more realistic and vibrant shades. What’s more, our capabilities extend to UV cured inks which deliver a long-term durability that is difficult to beat. If it can be done, we can do it, so your walls can look fantastic for years to come.
Imagination is the golden-eyed monster that never sleeps. It must be fed; it cannot be ignored – Patricia A. McKillip
You can tap into your own creative genius or you can check out our extensive Newmor Digital Range. Either way, you have the opportunity to create lasting images that speak volumes about your home or business. The materials we use are durable and perfectly suited to interior wall or glass spaces, hotels, offices, shopping centres, restaurants, retail outlets, movie theatres, domestic settings – even the bathroom!
So if you’ve got a vision, don’t be hamstrung by lack of choice. Take the plunge and go digital. The results will amaze your friends, neighbours, customers and relatives. To explore the possibilities, give us a call today on (03) 9335 6711 or explore some of our galleries here: