CRAKGON® conquers Portugal!
In the first of a series of case studies on CRAKGON® we will allow you to explore the product and it’s unique surface repair capabilities. There truly is nothing like it.
Simply paint it on and the cracks are gone!
CRAKGON® Case study no. 1.
Moisture related problems:
150 mouldy South Portugese Hotel doors need replacing or…..
Here are the facts:
- A South Portugal Hotel owner had 150 doors in need of replacement.
- The bottom of the doors were left unsealed, had absorbed moisture from the air, expanded and deteriorated dramatically.
- As you can imagine replacing and painting 150 doors is not a cheap exercise.
- The owner was receptive to alternate solutions.
CRAKGON® was presented as an economic, alternate solution
- The ability of CRAKGON® to provide a moisture proof seal to the timber while still allowing the doors to breathe solved the problem
- The owner employed a painter to sand the doors back, paint the CRAKGON onto the door surface, (bottom and top) and apply a top coat.
One application of CRAKGON® and paint, problem solved permanently!